In 2013, the Tsimhoni children were ordered to see the court-appointed therapist, Jennifer Hayes O'Neill , whose report and recommendations Judge Lisa Gorcyca subsequently ordered to be followed. Mrs. O'Neill has also written a book apparently and ironically all about forcing your children to see the other parent, How to Break Up Without Ruining Your Kids. Good title; poor content.
Well, she and I definitely are not on the same page about how a child should be raised. On her blog, Jennifer Hayes writes things like; "One
of my favorite lines in the whole piece is "Repeat after me: Once I’ve
fulfilled my child’s basic needs, my only responsibility regarding
feelings is to accept and acknowledge them." Or as I tell parents, your
new mantra is "Your happiness is not my responsibility”."
and, "I
am constantly working with parents to understand that our job as
parents is not to protect our children from distress but rather to help
them learn how to manage distress. This prepares them for life in a much
deeper, truer, and richer way."
Lovely. Sorry parents, but if your kids are distressed (extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain), you're doing something wrong. So Oakland County Judge Lisa Gorcyca appoints a therapist that ALSO feels kids are only little non-humans, not worthy of our respect, that are here to do what we say and shut up. Something makes me think Jennifer Hayes O'Neill and Lisa Ortlieb Gorcyca are best buds!
Back to her book, she writes that children who are being subjected to abuse by one parent (no mention of that by judges and guardian ad litems) are not safe in the home.
Which is ironic considering what the Tsimhoni children told her, found in public records from this case dated July 10th, 2013, of the kind of verbal and physical abuse they were holding against their father, Omer Tsimhoni:
"Natalie told Ms. Hayes that Omer said that it will be a bloody scene and that he will get the gun out of his car. Omer then carried her into the car and pulled Liam into the car and then all 3 children were locked in the car, Natalie also told Ms. Hayes that she saw Omer hit me."
Maya Tsimhoni rightfully filed a motion to disqualify this court-appointed therapist and now we hear why these children are terrified of and still refuse to speak to their father, Omer Tsimhoni. That Maya could even bear to continually try to encourage them to speak to him is a testament to the fact that she DOES want her children to have a healthy relationship with their father but knows that the damage has been done and may never be repaired.
If you'd like to read about what parenting actually should be from a fantastic therapist, visit
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