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You don't have to be pro-mom OR pro-dad in the Tsimhoni case, just be pro-children.

  If you are on the fence about supporting the mother in the Tsimhoni case, I don't blame you.  We often hear about or know families that have gone through court only to have mom immediately awarded custody when she may not always be the best parent.

  Sadly, in family court, there is no burden of proof when flinging all sorts of accusations at each party.  It's parent against parent, no resources of the state behind either.  Or, there shouldn't be...  Omer Tsimhoni can accuse Maya Tsimhoni of parental alienation (a made-up syndrome to try to pretend one parent isn't just a dick) and Maya can accuse Omer of abuse.

  The fact of the matter is, none of that matters.  Three children, ages 14, 10, and 9, have repeatedly, for FIVE YEARS, stated they want nothing to do with Omer.  Omer has complained that the children don't "run to him".  Records show the kids don't look at him, don't talk to him, refuse to even be in the same room with him.  These are intelligent children with high IQ's that are doing well in school.

  So Judge Lisa Gorcyca has a bias against mom - whether because she's friends with dad's attorney, or because her dad also worked at GM as Omer does, or because her GAL has a relationship with Omer - who knows, and continues to try to demand that these innocent children see their father. 

  They don't want to go - there MUST be something wrong with them!

  But they're just kids, so it MUST be mom's doing!  She must have brainwashed them!


  In fact, document after document shows Mom's repeated attempts at encouraging the relationship with her ex-husband:

  It isn't just Maya that is unable to convince the children to see their father.  And she literally agrees to physically drag them to parenting time.  The GAL can't convince them, the supervisor can't convince them, even dad acknowledges when they refuse that an effort was made.

  Even the day Gorcyca threw these children in jail, she acknowledged mom's efforts at begging them to spend time with their father.

  I'm sure both parents love these children and both would like them to love them back, but that's just not how it works.  You drag them to a place where a judge threatens throwing them in prison - even wants them to tour the prison like she is talking to convicts she has to "scare straight".

  Threats and fear do not encourage children to love.

  Dad needs to drop it, mom needs to keep dad informed about the kids, and they both need to learn about conscious parenting.

  So, siding with or funding Dr. Maya Tsimhoni doesn't mean you don't want dad to have parenting time with his kids or you want to make sure only mom can ever see them, but it means you want the madness to stop and the kids voices to be heard - the kids rights to be upheld.  You want the kids to only know love.  You want the court to stop insulting them, labeling them, comparing them to Charles Manson, stop verbally abusing them.  These kids shouldn't be anywhere near Lisa Gorcyca and they are NOT ready to live with their father.  They aren't even ready to look at him.  There is zero proof that this has anything to do with mom and plenty of proof that it's the result of their experiences with their father.  They don't need to live in foster care or be separated from their mother.  They just need to be left alone and left out of the courtroom, so they have time to think hey - perhaps dad is a good guy after all.

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