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Judge Lisa Gorcyca Confuses Children with Criminals

Judge Lisa Ortlieb Gorcyca is quite the superstar.  Before being elected to Oakland County Family Court, she was an assistant to prosecutor David Gorcyca, whom you may know for his role in sending Dr. Jack Kevorkian to prison for assisted suicides.  Gorcyca's marriage later ended and he married Lisa.

Well, it turns out Lisa is lusted over in not one but TWO books:

Internal Combustion by Joyce Maynard
A Deadly Affair by Tom Henderson

In Internal Combustion, the author quotes Lisa as saying;

  • "I'm an open book.  I'm just a girl who loves to put criminals behind bars."  And apparently children, too!
  • "Back in law school (where she knew right off the bat that civil law "bored me to tears"), she had recognized that she could make a lot more money as a criminal defense attorney than she would working for the state."  Or just being elected as judge and pretending children are criminals!
  • "I'm all about the truth."  All about ignoring the truth!

But Lisa didn't stop there - you can also find her on TV!  Well, on YouTube, in "Stalked Someone's Watching: Too Close to Home" S01E03.  

She talks about her role in the Harvette Williams stalking case.  I haven't read the court documents but it sounds like Lisa didn't do much for the five years Harvette was stalked - he pleaded no contest and entered a deal after Harvette took it into her own hands and recorded one of his phone calls.  Harvette later founded the Michigan Coalition of Anti-Stalking, and had a GPS tracking law signed by then-Governor Granholm, by the way, so good for her.

The way Judge Lisa Gorcyca spoke to the Tsimhoni kids on June 24th, and to their mother prior, is appalling.   These kids have done nothing to deserve being treated like criminals and verbally and emotionally abused.  All they have done is politely insist that they want nothing to do with their father, who tried to accuse their mother of kidnapping them when she returned home from a visit to Israel with them after already filing for divorce, who started a new family and has made little time for them, who has verbally and physically abused their mother, who forced them to come home the day after they landed in France for a visit with their dying Grandfather because he wanted to make up parenting time he had missed, despite the court allowing the mother to go (they forgot, and had to watch the video to prove they did indeed tell her she could go) and whose only interests lie in winning a case, not loving his first three children.

Lisa Gorcyca needs to go back to criminal law.  It's a crime that she's on a domestic violence board yet is ignoring the domestic violence in her own courtroom.   It's a crime that she thinks punishing kids will somehow force them to feel emotions they don't feel or to ignore their own history with their abuser.  It's a crime that she has ignored these victims of domestic violence and blindly supported and shown bias towards their abuser.

Please sign the petitions to remove Lisa Gorcyca from the Oakland County courtroom immediately:

10,011 Signatures as of 7/19

19 Signatures as of 7/19

844 Signatures as of 7/19

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Vladislav Ruchinsky said...

Judicial immunity is an important factor, although not readily obvious, in Tsimhoni vs Tsimhoni. In the year 2012, Oakland County had refused to pay $1M liability for judge Lisa Gorcyca's husband, prosecutor David Gorcyca, for the judgment against him due to defamatory statements about a dismissed case of alleged rape. David Gorcyca had made those remarks after leaving his office in 2008 following discovery of fabricated testimony/evidence which invalidated his prosecution of that alleged rape case. The case had torn apart, at least temporarily, a family with disabled children. David Gorcyca had immunity while in office but not after leaving his office.
Lisa Gorcyca has judicial immunity which protects her as she is abusing the Tsimhoni children while exploiting them to plunder the state/county treasury. Judge Lisa Gorcyca is plundering the treasury by prolonging and complicating the case, as opposed to throwing it out of court, by appointing a trio of attorneys to "represent" the children, in addition to the guardian ad litem, and by having the state/county pay for the children's detention and for all the other "professionals" whom she has appointed. Judge Lisa Gorcyca also has ordered mental health evaluations for the parents and for the children and it would be interesting to know who will be paying those mental-health fees -- Tsimhoni family or the tax-payers? This spending rampage can be judge Gorcyca's revenge against the county government for making her husband pay $1M in 2012. And Lisa Gorcyca is conducting this plunder under the aegis of judicial immunity cloaked with an eloquent pretense of exorcising parental alienation.
An infamous case about judicial immunity was Stump vs. Sparkman in SCOTUS, in which a dissenting opinion contained "A judge is not free, like a loose cannon, to inflict indiscriminate damage"

Anonymous said...

Thank you for always posting the facts in the #Tsimhoni case that so many bloggers ignore when writing about this case. Judge #Gorcyca should have recused herself long ago. Sadly there are many more victims of Lisa Gorcyca, William #Lansat, and Kerri #Middleditch. It's time to clear the Oakland County, MI courthouse of corruption and save the children who are being traumatized in her courtroom.

October Mist said...

Its a shame that people like her are allowed to flourish in our judicial system. She is so ambitious and is willing apparently, to persecute children who oftentimes have no voice in the legal system. She needs to be fired!

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