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The Tsimhoni Children: Destruction at the Hands of Their Own Father

You have probably heard about the three kids an Oakland County, Michigan judge, Lisa Gorcyca, sent to jail on June 24th, 2015.  She held them in contempt of court for refusing to have lunch with their father in the courthouse and punished them (though she later claimed it was only to reform them) by sending them IMMEDIATELY to jail - not even allowing them to say goodbye to their mother, Maya Tsimhoni, a prominent pediatric ophthalmologist.  The children are not even a party in the case.  The judge overstepped her bounds and should be disbarred immediately.

  Even more than that, she verbally abused the children - ages 14, 10, and 9.  You can read the transcript here.  It doesn't take a doctor to realize that Judge Lisa Gorcyca is the adult these children should be protected from!

  The children's mother, Maya, has gone to every length to encourage her kids to see their father, whom they have no desire to even look at.  She has even SERVED TIME at the hands of Judge Lisa Gorcyca, who verbally abuses her as well and has said things to her such as, "...your children deserve so much better than you as their mother, and you have me for six more years and two months."

  Even the guardian ad litem, the one third party that should be listening to the children's wishes and be educated in childhood development, is a man named William Lansat, a childless estate lawyer who has a relationship with the children's father, Omer Tsimhoni, and has FAILED to recuse himself from this case.

  When a hearing was held as a result of public pressure last week, July 10th, William Lansat said the kids should be taken out of the jail but NOT go back to their mother!

  The father's attorney, who is friends with Judge Lisa Gorcyca and has also not recused herself, stood up and declared the kids shouldn't be with the only parent they love without any other reason than she is not their father.  Maya's attorney had to remind the court that this wasn't a custody hearing.

  Dad attended the hearing via telephone, as, despite being the only parent that could have visited the children while they were detained, he went right back to Israel where he works for GM.  Mr. Tsimhoni also has a new wife and child.  His new wife is suspected of funding Judge Lisa Gorcyca or the case and she employs Ronn Torrosian, who owns a PR company that is doing everything they can to smear the children's mother.

  ER and doctor visit reports have emerged showing that one of the Tsimhoni children suffered serious contusions to his shoulder, forearm, and side chest at the hands of his father, but our lovely Judge Lisa Gorcyca failed to EVEN DISCUSS the matter despite the doctors having been subpoenaed.  The children have repeatedly stated they fear their father, whom they've also seen push around their mother, yet the Judge and William Lansat laugh in their face.

Following the child's report of being assaulted by his father, Maya did not take the kids to the next two parenting times with Omer Tsimhoni.  Whether she didn't to protect her children, as ANY mother would, or because her children were absolutely unwilling to go, it does not matter.  Judge Lisa Gorcyca REFUSED to see this evidence or speak to these doctors, to even allow Maya Tsimhoni a chance to explain why the kids were not present!  Instead, she served a day in jail.  This is truly appalling behavior by the judge, GAL, and dad's attorneys.  This court FAILED this child and sent him the message that it doesn't matter WHAT his father does to him, they will never believe him.  They have effectively shown the kids that there is zero protection when they are in their father's "care".  How dare they!  I don't even understand how Maya got these kids to ever set foot in the courthouse again.

  The children were visited at the jail and stated they were doing well but they still had zero desire to have anything to do with their father.  Maya Tsimhoni stated after the hearing, where the kids were released to a Jewish Summer Camp for the next two weeks, "I have never done any of the things she is saying about me.  The only thing I always said to the court is that love comes with love. You can't terrorize someone to love. You can't force somebody to love."  Thank God there is one sane adult in the Tsimhoni children's lives.

 The children's mother has lost her job at U of M as a result of the false allegations in this case by the children's father.  She has set up a Go Fund Me to help pay her mounting legal bills.  Please, please help her.  Even if it's only five dollars, we have got to get justice for these kids.  I can assure you this money goes directly to Maya Tsimhoni and she is the only way anyone can put a stop to this insanity.

   Mr. Tsimhoni has proven that he would rather "win" this case and beat up his ex-wife than love and respect his children.  Mr. Tsimhoni, if you read this, please know the damage is done.  You have created a wound so deep in your children, it will take years for them to ever trust you again.  Every single time you force them to see you, you sink knives deeper into those wounds and twist and destroy.  YOU are doing this to your children.  Stop.  You have intelligent, emotionally healthy kids that love their mother.  Set your ego aside and LOVE THEM.

  More on this case to follow.

Father's Attorney:

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